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Italy Scavenger Hunt 8

Italy Scavenger Hunt 8

Q HUM 120 – Cultural Studies Virtual Study Abroad Italy – Unit 8: Scavenger Hunt Quest Scene & Location W/I Time Stamp Discovery 1. This important historical place is in the region of Cilento, and these are 2 of the most famous philosophers born there. 2. This fish from the region is born female, but changes to male as it matures. 3. This diet is considered by UNESCO a cultural heritage, and it contains a series of values linked to these modern concerns. 4. This is the foundation of the Mediterranean diet, containing good amounts of Omega 3 fatty acids. 5. Of the 3 sacred plants of the Mediterranean diet, this is the only one that is native to the Mediterranean and only grows in that particular climate. 6. This is one of the biggest dangers for young turtle hatchlings first coming out of the sand in the Cilento region. 7. This oil company is responsible for most of the pollution in the region of Basilicata, and their contamination of the water has direct impact on these other regional products. 8. This Medieval Byzantine city has been abandoned following 3 successive natural disasters in these 3 years. 9. Matera is as close as one can get to living in a typical village from this region and time. 10. The economy of Taranto and Puglia was based on this industry, and this is the biggest example of it. 11. In spite of the water pollution in the sea around Taranto, some of the cleanest sea water can be found here as well, in this location known for cultivation of mussels. 12. This elusive marine animal found in the region of Taranto holds the record for free-diving ,and can swim down to this depth. 13. This dolphin is the most common to the region. 14. The presence of this type of seaweed in Mare Piccolo shows that human impact has been reduced in recent years. 15. This is the point of origin for most of the 15 alien species of seaweed in Mare Piccolo, and this is why many of them die out here.

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Cilento Scene 1, Video "Meet Valerio" 0:05 Pioppi; Parmenides and Zeno Cilento Scene 3, Video "Living Museum of the Sea Room 2" 0:55 Grouper Cilento Scene 5, Video "A Sustainable Lifestyle" 0:05 The Mediterranean diet; sustainability, climate change, world hunger Cilento Scene 8, Video "Blue Fish" 0:20 Bluefish Cilento Scene 7, Video "Wheat, Grapevine, and Olive Tree" 0:40 Olive tree Cilento Scene 11, Video "Turtle Nest" 1:20 Predators such as birds and not being able to find the sea because of bright city lights Basilicata Scene 1, Video "Eni Oil Fields" 0:40 ENI Basilicata Scene 5, Video "Craco, the Ghost City" 0:05 Craco; 1962 landslide - 1972 flood - 1980 earthquake